Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Truth About Richard Mourdock. Click Here for more information.

LUGAR ACCUSATION: Mourdock's Budget Proposal is "Ridiculous"

Richard Mourdock proposed a federal budget that eliminated four cabinet departments and cut spending by $7.6 trillion over 10 years in order to balance the budget. Cutting spending to balance the budget could seem “ridiculous” to someone who has lived in Washington D.C. for the last 36 years, but Republican primary voters want someone who is going to tackle this fundamental problem and not “kick the can down the road.”

LUGAR ACCUSATION: Mourdock Didn't Show Up 66 percent of the Time.

Since 2007, the State Treasurer’s Office has been represented by Treasurer Mourdock or a senior staff member at over 99% of the board meetings for which he or his designee serve as a member.

The Board of Finance, which the Lugar campaign refers to, is attended monthly by the Treasurer, Governor, and Auditor or their designees. Typically, meetings last 5 to 10 minutes. Due to schedule conflicts, the Governor, Treasurer, and Auditor often send designees in their place. The Lugar campaign's criticism of Treasurer Mourdock is also an attack on Governor Daniels, who routinely makes use of designees to this board and does not attend personally.

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