Monday, January 9, 2012


Vanderburgh County Republican Chairman Wayne Parke accused
Reps. Gail Riecken and Kreg Battles for "not showing up for work." (Howey Politics Indiana). Parke said, "It is very
disturbing that Democrat State Representatives Gail Riecken and Democrat Krieg Battles have decided to take their first
paychecks, but refuse to show up for work so the House Chamber can start its official business. It would appear, they are
not only against personal choices for workers they are against working. It is a poor example to set for others to follow
when you are supposed to be a leader but you take pay for a job that you did not properly perform. Democrat State
Representatives Gail Riecken and Democrat Krieg Battles are not doing the job their constituents elected them to do. They
are totally disrupting the democratic process by not being present for Roll Call so the House can officially start its business
in this short legislative session. They attended a 6 hour Right To Work ( RTW ) hearing Friday in Indianapolis but yet they
have failed to show up for Roll Call so the House can officially open up for business by having a quorum. Have they been
away from work so long --- they have forgotten the House Rules?"

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